I understand the concern, however, I disagree that the troubles of the day are caused by different circumstances growing up. As a member of Gen Z, the generation that is "in trouble" I see misunderstanding from a lot of the older generations. Things look very different today than when you were a kid, but many of these changes aren't negative. The internet doesn't decrease our ability to find our friend group as someone in gen x would have done at a nightclub, it actually allows us to connect with a tighter niche. I do very competitive distance running and there aren't enough other athletes in the entire state to fill a friend group for me. I think the greater troubles of our day are because of comparison and a lack of understanding. People seem to think that they are right about everything, because with a simple Google you can "prove" it. Add that to the fake fronts that people put up on the internet, and it's all a recipe for contention and distrust.